Custom BMX Number Plates
Back in the day, Bob Haro started a trend with custom BMX racing Number Plates, and most of the Torker team benefited as Bob was working with Torker, living at Torker doing art for Torker, so the Torker riders were the guinea pigs for these custom plates.

After Bob left to start Haro Designs, and take off to create the freestyle craze another BMX Numberplate Mogul stepped in by the name of Dave Marrietti with Wizard plates. So it is only fitting that you want a custom number plate for your new Torker. Rather than ship it with a piece of plastic you will want to throw away, we are providing you links on where you can go to get your own custom piece of art to adorn the front of your bike.

Michael Gamsetter at fourtyfour16 designs has led the way with Haroesque re creations for years , and will do full customs for you, numbers, logos, colors, you name it - and we have bought some, and they are RAD -

Bob Haro is still making plates, under the original Factory Plate Name - They are not as custom as they used to be, but they are silk screened and shipped by the man himself.

As for Dave Marrietti, well he doesn't make Wizard plates any longer, but Michael above at fortyfour16 designs does a great replica, Dave has a HUGE company making custom BMX racewear - Hot Shoppe Designs - and is still active in the BMX community. Seems like once the Torker DNA got into you, you just couldn't get it out.